Contact Us – Let us Help you

To contact Education Advocacy please email

If your enquiry is urgent, or of a specific nature, please call us on 0330 333 4130*

Postal Address:
Education Advocacy U.K. Limited
286 Bradley Lane
BA14 6QE

Tel: 0330 333 4130*
Fax: 01225 667 901

 *Calls costs are charged at the same price as a standard 01 or 02 number. They are also included in some mobile provider free minute plans. The price of calls may vary with other telephone service providers. Please check with your provider for exact charges.

Register for a FREE* 30 Minute, No obligation consultation

* We do not have a contract with the Legal Aid Agencies and so cannot advise on a case where the client is on Income Support / Employment Support Allowance. Please refer directly to you will then receive a call back to discuss your case. ​

of Education Advocacy cases are settled in favour of the parent before attendance at Tribunal.
of Education Advocacy cases that go to Tribunal are a success.